It Looks Like We’re…

…rained out for June 17 at E@RTC. I know, it’s more disappointing than canned soup.

We made the mistake of writing about Mom Nature “getting lucky” on Tinder and apparently she wasn’t too happy about it and was storming mad.

We’re also sorry about the late weather cancellation last week after we said we were on. The weather forecast changed suddenly and it was a rare occurrence to have it change that fast. The last time it occurred was in 2018 for Italian Car Day when it wasn’t in the forecast to rain at all, but there we were, standing in it like wet noodles still talking about cars and if the rain was going to stop. It didn’t.

Next week, we have Classic and Collector day on the 24th, so that will be a nice event, assuming the weather cooperates and Mom Nature calms down. This is the day we put those classic and collector beauties in the center of Redmond Town Center and down 168th.

All exotic and rare cars are still welcome as usual, but we’ll give the nod to those special rare and collector cars you don’t get to see otherwise. These are the cars your grandparents built fond memories inside… maybe a few kids. These were the days of no ABS, or seatbelts and unencumbered rides through the front windshield in an accident, yet they got up, dusted themselves off, and bought another like it was no big deal. You learned to sign the check for the new car with the other arm.

We always get a lot of surprises on Classic and Collector day and over the years it’s turned into a real favorite event for everyone. We’re often surprised by what shows up and it’s always something cool that we talk about all week.

Don’t worry, we’ve rescheduled the Kenworth 100 Year Anniversary trucks to come out on July 29th, assuming we have good weather that day. You won’t want to miss seeing these beauties either.

It kind of makes you want to own one and just drive it around as is. Maybe buy one and Mad Max the living crap out of it and take it to Open Sores (Ocean Shores to non-locals) and push some cars around the beach while looking mennacing. Get a mohawk, stand on a bumper with a weird looking rifle and scream at people. Put armor on your dog so they look dangerous, even if they are a mini poodle. It’s something to do. Gives the tourists something to talk about. You might see a whale.


Saturday is Classic and Collector Day!!!


We’re Canceled!